Little Miss Chloe was the first one to get the chicken pox. She was still able to smile in the beginning, but I think after a few days, she wasn't quite as happy. And she also got her top 2 teeth and a bottom tooth during the same time.

She didn't mind posing for a few pictures of her pox marked body;o) I kept calling her 'poxy girl'. I don't think she minded

A nice close-up. I will admit I still think she is one ridiculously cute little girly=0)

Showing off;o)

The latest 2 victims. Susie started on the Thursday evening and Ethan started Friday afternoon with their spots. I felt so bad for Susie! She got them quite bad! And everywhere! In her mouth, on her feet, on her lips, etc. Not fun, especially at the age of 20 when most have already gotten them when they were younger. But I'm glad she got them now and not years down the road. It's more dangerous the older they get!

Her poor feet! I did laugh at her, but I felt bad for her too!

She was not a happy camper. She just looked so sad and miserable, I had wished I could do something for her! But she's been a trooper and has made it thru the worst. She couldn't eat much because of the ones in her mouth and then not moving around too much made her stomach upset. And she was super tired!

And finally pictures of Mr. Ethan=o)

He was like Auntie Sue and got them around his mouth and on his lips too. We had a friend of mine come on Friday to play with Ethan at my place because she wants her kids to get the pox. By the end, Ethan was sad and just ready to go home. He told me he missed his dad! I had asked the boys to clean the toys up, Ethan(4) and Danny(almost 2), and Ethan put the toys in the toy box, then Danny would take them out. Ethan just ran into my arms and told me he didn't love Danny anymore and he wasn't putting the toys away. He cried and I could tell he was done in for the day. So as soon as the toys were put away, I took Ethan home so he could have a baking soda bath and nap=o)

Ethan just LOVES Squeakers! He always asks where he is and how he's doing. And he loved Squeakers new haircut. So fun and my boy is so good with kids, I'm so thankful!

Here is Susie and Ethan finally on the mend=0) I think they will both be glad when all the spots are finally gone.
Love all three of you, cute poxy girls and boy;o)
Yuck - don't remind me of that week! Those pics are awful, but I have to say I am very grateful that this was a passing thing and they are healing up nicely and I am back to feeling my normal self :o)
So very glad we are done with that now!!
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