Anywho, I made my lists so that I felt I was being productive in my time away. I am a HUGE procrastinator! But I didn't want to keep pushing things aside just because I don't like facing what a pathetic person I am! And I didn't want to take advantage of my time away with God and just be lazy and selfish.
So Monday came, I got up and read most of the day. I was reading a book my counselor gave me back in the summer when I was seeing her. I had only read part of the book as I hadn't been struggling with that particular sin anymore. But once again, the struggles came, and so I decided to read the book and was very blessed by it! I wrote down things that popped out at me that I would like to remember. So it was a long process, but a very good one!
I tend to like to have the time to just sit and talk to God when I know I have time to really, fully give it all to Him. If I haven't slept well or have to work, I tend to kind of bury it inside myself until I have some time to just spend with God. When I'm at home, I notice I tend to find reasons to postpone 'having it out with God' or 'becoming real with God'. I don't mean it in a disrespectful sense, rather just opening up and letting it all go. I don't like to pretend that I'm all good with things when I'm not. I know I shouldn't get angry with God or have such a struggle trusting Him, but I do sometimes. And I don't like to pretend that those feelings don't exist. So I like to take the time to deal with all those thoughts and feelings while talking with God.
The came the time to pray and talk to God on a deeper level. I was not looking forward to it because I knew I would cry! And when I cry, I don't sleep. But this was the whole reason I needed to get away and spend time with God and so I did it. It was wonderful to be able to just open up about any and everything to Him and to be 'real' with Him! I was able to get everything out and go over everything I had written on my list and then some more that I remembered. It was so amazing and refreshing to be able to totally give all my thoughts and feelings to Him!
Each time I go through struggles, I grow so much closer to God! I LOVE that! But I hate going thru those tough times! They are not fun, but I just remind myself that I am learning so much and that in the end, when this particular time is over, I will be so thankful for all God had taught me!
At one point, I was crying, the heart wrenching sobs kind and there comes Squeakers. He jumps on my lap, tries to lick my tears and then as I proceed to push his face away, he sits there watching me while I continue to cry. Then he starts to whine. When I think about it now, it is quite comical. I'm sure we looked and sounded like quite the pair;o) That is one reason I wanted to get away. To be able to cry in peace, knowing that only God was going to hear me crying out to Him! In my place, as quiet as it is, I was afraid that if I really let myself cry like I needed, one of the others in the building were going to hear me and think I was hurt or something. So at the cottage I could just be me! What a blessing it was!
Some people had asked if I had a good time away. My response was, it was as good as could be expected. It was definitely a Spiritual blessing! But I didn't go in order to have fun. I had a mission to do and was able to complete it, with and only with, God's help!
Thankfully, I was able to have this amazing opportunity to use my aunt and uncle's cottage, no charge! That in itself was a blessing!
I was able to come home, tired, but refreshed, with a new, positive outlook on life again! One that has me walking even closer to God. And one where I have finally chosen to TRUST God in ALL areas of my life and not just certain ones. The ones I have held on to in the past are because I'm afraid he won't give me what I want. And I've allowed Satan to make me think that if I don't give it to God and trust Him with that particular matter, I still have control over it. Which is totally not true! But that is just how pathetic I am sometimes! Thankfully, I have a God who loves me no matter what! A God who died on the cross to save me from each one of my sins!
I continue to say to God that I trust Him! It's hard at times, but I figure it will get easier the more I say it. I have also figured I couldn't say it it I didn't feel it. But I realized, I just need to say it and believe it and God will do the rest. And the cool thing was, just this past week, I was reading this book and in it there was a part about a girl having trouble trusting God. An elderly lady told her, "Trusting God is a decision, not a feeling". I just thot how true that is! Another saying I read in another book was, "I trust God because of who He is! Not because of what He does or doesn't do". I need to adapt this last one to my life. It's not about me, rather about God. And that in itself, is reason enough to trust Him, just because of who He is!

I had a blessed, refreshing time away and a wonderful drive to Huntsville and home again.
If you've made it this far, good for you. It was a long post and I didn't plan to write quite so much, but once I start, I have a hard time stopping.
I am thankful for all God has done for me and TRUST Him that He knows what's best for me!
I am also so very thankful to have this Easter weekend off. It will be an emotional time of remembering God dying in order to save me from my sins! I definitely don't deserve His love, but I'm so thankful for it!
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