Josiah and Ethan ready for a walk to the park!

They had a lot of fun on the walk over to the park. They were laughing at each other and waving. It was quite funny to watch them interact=0)

Sweet Naddie asked me to take her picture on the rock=0) How do you say no to that, eh?

Josh came along to. He helped a lot by keeping an eye on Squeakers for me=0)

The little boys just after lunch. Can you tell? Aren't they so cute?

I don't know if Naddie was trying to get in the picture or hide from it, but I got her in=0)

What a cutie, eh? He had chocolate sprinkles on his bread, but decided that when he was done he would eat the crust from Naddie. Nads and Josiah had grilled cheese. Ethan had a blast dipping the crust in ketchup and then eating it! He wouldn't eat his own crust, but then again, doesn't someone else's food always look better than our own?
Looks like you had a great time babysitting. Hopefully we can have a great time babysitting the kids on the 19th-20th :)
fun fun fun!!!! I am sure Ethan had fun with someone his own size and he is a little porker who loves to beg food from others! Thanks again for watching him!
Belinda must love having you next door! You're so fun with kids - my kids love when you babysit :0) Can't believe how much Josiah looks like his big brother Josh!
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