The whole gang of kids=o) Three of my aunt's kids go to Faith school, and they had a PD day. And it was Ethan's off school days, so he got to come along again. He came last year too and we had a blast!
I felt a little guilty because this was the second year that I took Ethan but not Seth. But it was because my aunt's kids had a PD day last year too and Ethan wasn't in school yet. On the plus side, Seth had a field trip that day at school and had his friend over to play after school for a few hours. So he still had his own fun. But he nicely reminded me that it wasn't really fair and that he'd never been to the pumpkin patch before and Ethan's gone 2 times. When I reminded him of the fun he had that day/evening, he said, "Okay, it's just a little bit fair".

Two of my aunt's in on the picture too

Ethan's attempt at taking a picture of the adult gals=o) Unfortunately my head is a bit chopped off, but this was the best out of 2 that he took.

Making his own mini pizzas.

Chilling out in the kid's lazy boy chair;o)

Decorating cookies. Spreading on the icing...

Tasting the icing to make sure it's okay...

Enjoying the taste

The finishing product. Good job Effie!

All the kids showing off their mini pizzas

In the car before dropping him off.

He has so many different facial expressions, he cracks me up!

A final one when I dropped him back off at home. Ethan wanted to go to ABCD's(aka McDonald's) for supper, but on the way, he decided on Wendy's instead. So it was a fun filled full day with Ethan. So great to spend some one on one time with him! I remember before Ethan was born or old enough to come along, Seth and I used to do many one on one dates. Soon enough it will be Chloe's turn while both boys are in school full time=o)

Here are the pumpkins Ethan chose=o)
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