Saturday, August 16, 2008

Elaine's Antique Brass Bed & Breakfast

How can I post without adding a couple pictures of my handsome Pani=0) Here we were at Kelsey's and he was distracted by the tv. These pictures aren't the greatest of him, but I took them with my phone camera.
This one's better. At least he's looking at me=0)

The place I stayed at was filled with amazing antiques. I had a lot of fun browsing the mini-museum=0) There are a lot of pictures here, but I couldn't leave any of them out. All the things had their own unique things about them.

The cool chaise lounge I sat in while I read my book when Pani was at work. It is actually very comfortable!
The couch, not quite so comfortable.

Love the horse!

The very cool telephone!

I felt like playing dress-up with the hats, but I didn't. I just enjoyed looking.

All the kids things were behind this gate.

There's even an old baby scale in this picture just under the horse.

I'm not sure what kind of lamp thing this is. But it looks like it poured beer or something.

I had to take a picture of the beautiful colored toilet(hehe)

Along the hall to my room.
This is my room I stayed in. I had the whole basement to myself. She only has one room that she rents out, so it was nice and private.

This is also in the bedroom. The room was quite full of antique items, so there wasn't a whole lot of walking room.

I thot this dresser was fabulous! It was on the vanity in the bathroom=0) Hope you enjoy all the pictures!
So I went to visit Pani for 10 days, but ended up coming home early due to the fact that Pani had to work and wouldn't have been home in time to bring me to the airport. Plus, I decided I wasn't adventurous enough to go out on my own in a new place, taking the bus or walking. Knowing me, I would get lost.
I arrived in Edmonton at 5:40pm Friday nite, and by the time we left the airport it was 6:35pm. Pani and I went out for supper, and then went to the place I was staying at and chatted for a couple hours before he headed off to work at 10pm. He had a truck run and was gone until Monday morning. We had all day Monday and until 9:30pm Tuesday before Pani had to leave for work again. He could not get time off since 2 guys had just quit a few days before, so they were short staffed. Him and his usual driving partner had to take 2 new guys on a new truck run to Inuvik. So therefore Pani was supposed to leave Tuesday nite at 9:30 and not be back until late Sunday nite, early Monday morning.
I hated to leave early, but I figured it would be better to be home with friends and family than be sulking and bummed out in Edmonton. Plus my dog, Squeakers was really sad while I was gone and I felt bad for him.
But Pani plans on coming the end of September or beginning of October for a whole week. So I'm looking forward to that=0)


Household of Faith said...

Wow, she sure had lots of stuff in that place. Oh, how does she dust the place?? Glad you had fun despite the short visit. :0)

Anonymous said...

I kind of agree with Pani - it's a little creepy and way too "cluttery"! I would go insane! (@: I am glad you got to go and had a good time! (@:


Jacqui's Quilts said...

Hey Danielle:

Wow, that is quite the place!!! I'd hate to dust that place too LOL. I absolutely LOVE the little tea sets...I have quite a few sets of these as well...they are just so irresistible! You sure could look around in that place for a long time and still discover new things to see LOL.

Hugs, Jacqui

Unknown said...

Wow that is quite the place! I don't know if I would feel safe walking around, I would probably knock something over =0) Oh yeah, how did you post more than 4 pictures on one post??