These pictures are not in order, sorry.
My day started off with a fabulous video from my friend Megan's kids singing happy birthday to me=o) It was awesome! Totally started my day off great!
Next, I went bowling with Susie, Seth and Ethan. The boys had a great time! And I had a blast watching them. We also went to the gospel lighthouse first so I could find something for my dear friend as a going away present.
After bowling, I went to meet my dear friend Sue K for coffee and a final visit before her and her family moved to British Columbia. Her husband, our previous Pastor, received a call from BC and so off they went. I miss Sue dearly! She has been such a blessing in my life and I can't say I enjoy the huge distance between us, but God has been there for me and so I can continue on. Thankfully I can and will still remain friends with Sue=0)
When I left my visit with Sue, I headed off to my aunt and uncle's place for a BBQ. Apparently it was a party for me. I received gift cards for groceries, which were wonderful! Thanks again for hosting(Ron and Cathy) and throwing, organizing(Jenny) a party for me=o) I love being so close with my family!

Waiting to see if he hit any pins

Sue K and myself

Ethan waiting to see if he knocked any down=o)

Friday nite, I had a party with my family. It was supposed to be at my house for supper and a movie. We ended up at my parents place due to me having a nice fire at my place due to my stupidity. I had bought 4 pizza's from Little Caesars for $5 each. I ended up putting them in the oven to keep warm. I made 3 huge blunders! First, I left the pizza's in the box. Secondly, I turned the oven on to 350. Thirdly, piled the boxes on top of each other and the top one was touching the top broiler. My parents came in, my Pop gave me a hug, and then told me he smelled something burning. Once he was done hugging me, I saw smoke coming from the one burner. I opened the oven to find a nice fire going on. My Pop told me we had to get it out. I told him I had a fire extinguisher, so he asked where(rite above his head), and put it out. Once it was out, we were just about to take it out when it started on fire again. So Pop extinguished it again, and it finally stopped. Meanwhile, my house was filling up horrible with smoke! My eyes and throat were burning. So were Pop's. My kitchen was a mess from the extinguisher stuff! My smoke detector went off and because it is electrical, it wouldn't turn off for a LONG time! We opened windows, had to throw out all the pizza's due to the extinguisher stuff, and I ended up crying, feeling like a not so smart person. Due to all the smoke and the smell, we decided it was best to go to my parent's place so that the 3 little kids didn't suffer any.
We ended up having a great time there. My brother ordered and picked up some new pizza's from Pizza Hut. I was still a bit down in the dumps, feeling sorry for myself. After a bit, I sucked it up and had a good time! Thanks again Ma and Pop for having it at your place=o)

The boys with their popsicles after supper.

My beautiful cake made by my dear sister Jennifer! Thanks Jennifer=o) It looked and tasted fabulous.

Seth being silly

My beautiful flowers from a gal at work. She brought them to work for me and made me supper on the Thursday nite. We work together every other Thursday. I felt very special!

My other beautiful flowers from my Ma and Pop=o) I've never really been a flower kind of person, but I think it's because I figured I never would get any. When I do get them, I feel so special and loved!

Jamie and Chloe=0)