My beloved caterpillar slippers=o)

Aren't they fabulous?
There is a story behind these slippers.
When I still lived at home years ago, I remember one Christmas I saw these slippers in some store. I LOVED them! I really, really wanted them and so I put them on my list. My ma and pop were shopping the one nite and saw them. My Pop came home and said they were the stupidest, ugliest things he's ever seen and would never buy me suck things! I was pretty disappointed. But come Christmas, here were the slippers given to me specifically by my Pop. I will treasure these always! Just knowing it was something my Pop was against and then it was just him who bought them for me meant and still means a lot to me!
So thanks again for the slippers Pop=o) I do still wear them at times.
My Pop
He is such a wonderful, godly man! Even tho him and I don't always get along, he is always the first one I go to when I need to talk. I know that he will be caring and supportive and Biblically sound! He will offer advice if needed and just offer love and support if he knows I'm not ready to hear what he has to say. I know I can be extremely frustrating at times and I am thankful that my Pop still just patiently waits to hear what I have to stay and patiently stays quiet when he knows I won't listen to what he has to say. He may be really frustrated and disappointed inside, but he doesn't show it and that I really appreciate!
My Pop is always level headed and is very quick to offer Scripture verses or passages to help me out or to remind me of something. He is always quick to give me a hug and just let me cry. He has seen me at my worst and still loves me and always at the end of a talk, he offers to pray for me.
Pop, you have been such a godly example to me and I appreciate the man that you are and that God created you to be MY dad!
I love you very much Pop!
My Ma
She is an awesome, fierce, godly woman! My ma and I have had many struggles over the years, especially being very different from each other and trying to relate to one another at times. But thru the years, she has made a huge effort to try to understand where I'm coming from and what it is exactly that I need from her. Whether it's just to talk, a hug, or even just to sit with her quietly while she's reading a book, not having to talk, but just to know I'm not alone. I appreciate the efforts she has made to understand me with my depression and to really work at asking what she can do and not just assume she knows what it is I need or want. I still remember a time when I lived at home, when I was first diagnosed with depression. She was in her room, laying on her bed, reading a book. I came in and just laid beside her as she read. A minute or so later, she put the book down and asked me what I wanted to talk about. I told her nothing. She didn't believe me. She didn't understand that I didn't want or need to talk, I just needed to be with another human being. So over the years, she still remembers that and is not so quick to ask me if I need to talk. And she knows if I say I'm not in the mood to talk, she backs off and we'll sit quietly or just talk about everyday things.
My ma also loves me with a fierce, mother bear kind of love. I really thot of it this way a couple weeks ago. I wanted to talk to my Pop privately. I felt kind of bad because I didn't want my ma there. Not that I didn't want her to know since I told my pop to tell her later, but because I knew what her reaction would be. She would have been angry and fired up over what I needed to talk about. And I didn't want to upset her and also because I wanted my Pop's calm, quiet manner this time. Also because I knew she wouldn't like what I had to say and knew she would state her opinion, I knew I wasn't ready to hear it. And when I told my pop the reason I talked to him privately without ma, he told me her reaction is only because she loves me so much and hates to see me hurting. I have already seen this and know this is true and have really seen my family's love and support more now than ever before since stuff happened in the summer. It is a real eye opener and I'm thankful for them! So when I thot of it later, the only term I could come up with was that my ma was like a mother bear, who would do anything to protect her cub. What an awesome love!
So Ma, I thank you for all your love, concern and support! And for the Bible verses or passage reminders when I need them! And for always being willing to listen to me when I'm ready, for not pushing me when I'm not and for praying with me and praying for me always! I am thankful for you and your effort you put towards getting to know me better! And I'm thankful God chose YOU to be MY mother!
I love you very much Ma!