Today was Chloe's first birthday. Wow, has time ever flown by! I was looking thru some of the first pictures of her from the hospital and then at my parents when she was just 3 days old. What a fun and exciting time it was=o) We were so excited to have a little niece/granddaughter in the family! I can't believe how much Chloe has grown. She is such a tall little girl, but very lean. She makes me smile every time I see her. She is such a sweet, happy, fun loving girl=0)
The above picture is the evening of when she was born.

Her first trip out of the house to Papa and Grama's

Look at those chunky cheeks! You could just eat them rite up!

She was so alert rite from the start.

Her first bath at the hospital=o) I remember being there pretty much for the whole visiting hours time;o) I just held her, and then went next door to visit my friend Mel V. who just had a baby shortly before Chloe was born. So a big happy birthday to Brie today too=0)

This was at Seth and Ethan's swimming lessons. She knew once I got there, that I would take her out of her stroller. If I sat down for a few minutes without taking her out, she was lean towards me, put her arms out and try to get my attention.

Waving while at the beach up North at Little Europe.

She absolutely LOVES Squeakers=0) And Squeaks is so amazing with kids! He lets them pull and poke and hit and yank on his and he just sits there or looks at them and gives them kisses.

Little friends=0)

Auntie Sue and Chloe

This outside box/container that my parent's store the outside chair cushions in was the perfect playpen for Chloe;o) And we let Squeakers join her too. They had fun for a bit, but then it got a little too crowded for their liking.

Happy at supper time after a full, fun day of beautiful weather and time at the beach playing and swimming.

And I just had to add this picture of her hair. Look at her curls=0) I LOVE them! She takes after me with curly hair;o)

Out for supper in the park in Bracebridge. Every year we all go to this park and have either Bill's pizza or KFC. It is such great fun and we all love it!
Again, Happy Birthday to my sweet niece Chloe! I love you very much! It's been a fun year watching you grow up and learn new things=o) Your first smile, your first laugh, your first tooth, your first haircut, when you first could sit up on your own, when you crawled and stood up for the first time, when you finally learned how to clap your hands, when you learned how to play peek-a-boo. The whole family has rejoiced along with your mommy and daddy and brothers over all the new things you do!
I pray for the Lord's blessing on your life and that you will grow up to love and serve Him!
I also look forward to having tea parties;o)