Here is my messy kitchen. I lived like this for a week and a half. It just about drove me crazy! That is why I had wanted to pack the day of.

Even my kitchen table was used to store junk.

I found places to stack boxes wherever I could. I didn't have a lot of room to store stuff, but I made do=o)

My bathroom. This is how it looked for 2 weeks. I could hardly stand it.

More of my bathroom. Man, I sure had a lot of junk! I had stuff that I hadn't touched since I moved into this place. Thankfully my sister Jennifer and my ma came to my new place and I ended up getting rid of a whole bunch of things! Probably about 6 of those boxes full of stuff for Bibles for Missions and then about 8-10 garbage bags full of garbage to get rid of. I know, I'm such a pack rat, eh?
I will post pictures of my new place really soon. I finally finished all my unpacking tonite, so once I have a bit of time, I will take pictures and then post them.
The move went well. It was a bit stressful, considering I had worked both jobs on the Sunday, came home 7am Monday morning and started to move everything. I think I would take some time off work next time.
Thanks again to all who helped out with the move and packing/unpacking of things! It was greatly appreciated!!!