I would just like to ask all those who look at or read my blog to pray for baby Stellan. He is the 4th child of MckMama. Please see her blog for the full update on Stellan. He has been in and out of SVT(Supraventricular Tachycardia) since Monday March 23rd, 2009. They are trying everything medically possible to get him out of and keep him out of SVT. MckMama has been so strong thru this all, but like any person, has her times of struggle. Especially considering she spends pretty much all her time with Stellan and she has a husband and 3 other small children at home.
If you feel led to do so, please pray for this amazing little boy! He was diagnosed with SVT when he was only 20 weeks in his mommy's belly. MckMama and PC were told that MckMuffin was going to die. God provided a miracle for this little boy! He was born with absolutely no heart trouble at all.
Stellan started with a cold, but was really stuffed up, congested, wheezy, etc. So MckMama took him in to Emerg to get him checked out. Unfortunately they have been in hospital since. Stellan is living proof what an amazing God we have! The doctors are amazed that he hasn't gone into heart failure because of the SVT. But thanks be to God, Stellan is still hanging on tight! The little guy has been losing weight, and is really feeling crummy. But pop over to MckMama's blog http://www.mycharmingkids.net/ and see for yourself that even tho Stellan feels crummy and looks tired and sad, he is still such a sweet, precious miracle from God. And he is still such a sweet, handsome little guy!
God bless all who read about Stellan and pray for the MckFamily!