The whole family was there this year for the one and only time of the summer, even both of the dogs=0) Maybe next year, my Pani will be in the picture too=o)

On Friday before I left, I babysat Josh, Naddie and Josiah. I put nailpolish on Naddie's toes and fingers. She loved it! She wanted pink on her fingers and purple on her toes. I asked her what color I should do my toes. She suggested one foot purple and the other foot pink. I thot I'd do a little better and do every other toe=0) Naddie thot that was pretty funny.

On the drive home, Squeakers was in the back seat, but continued to try to squeeze his way into the front with us. This is how he ended up at one point. He put his head on Susie's shoulder. I thot it was pretty cute=0)

Here you can see that he's taking a nap in this position. Couldn't have been too comfortable considering half his body was still on the back seat, but he just wanted to be near us=0)

My handsome nephew Seth who started his first day of Junior kindergarten today. I can't believe how quickly time flies!

Ethan wearing uncle Jay's sunglasses=0) A little too big yet, eh?

Here he is playing with Jamie. He kept pointing at his face. The next pictures will show just how much fun he had=0)

The start of a smile.

An all out laugh=0) What a cutie!!!